Spatial Cloud

Spatial cloud

The combination of spatial data structuring and processing provided by Sight Power with Microsoft Azure cloud services, allows customers to significantly improve the efficiency and scalability of their data operations.

Sight Power’s Spatial Café establishes the integration of cloud technologies for effective and expedient spatial data processing:

  • Spatial datasets can be voluminous and difficult to share over networks. However, in most cases, it can be processed to reduce its size.
  • The optimized dataset can then be shared in real time. Collecting high-precision spatial data is expensive and is often fragmented, covering only the area of interest. The data is stored in separate blocks, on disconnected servers or stand-alone client sites. Informational support, such as data catalogues or libraries, are not well developed and requires a network to share existing spatial data rather than collecting it anew. Cloud technology provides an effective way to utilize and share this data.
  • The combination of Spatial Café and MS Azure provide data storage and access, data processing libraries and the integration of new applications.
  • Users can utilize existing Microsoft data centers for data allocation, extended features and scalable resources provided by MS Azure for data storage and processing.

Spatial cloud

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